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Inviato il: 13/10/2012 15:33
Registrato: 25/11/2005
Da: Q4
Messaggi: 4672
Re: Ricette di Cucina


Anche se la bella stagione ormai ci ha lasciato, voglio condividere con voi una ricetta fredda che ha contrassegnato la mia estate.


Bulgur (frumento sminuzzato, lo vendono da Panorama nello scaffale dei cibi esotici) peperone, pomodori, cipolla, cetriolo, olive denoccilate...


Olio extravergine di oliva, succo di limone, sale, pepe, prezzemolo e menta tritati


Metti il bulgur in ammollo, cuoci, scola e lascia raffreddare. Taglia a pezzettini le verdure, unisci i condimenti, mischia e servi.

NOTA1: al posto del bulgur puoi usare il cus cus, il riso, l’orzo...

NOTA2: puoi aggiungere ingredienti a piacere, tipo piselli, ceci, mandorle, tocchetti di pollo freddo, gamberetti...

Inviato il: 13/10/2012 16:07
Registrato: 25/11/2005
Da: Q4
Messaggi: 4672
Re: Ricette di Cucina

Cuscus with lamb

This dish is from Marocco, but is widely used in all North African countries, sub Saharan countries and in some areas of Sicily, the most southern Italian region. This version, although simplified and easy to use, doesn’t require any special cookware (cuscus pot) and is tasty.


  • Ready to use cuscus (comes in boxes of about 1 pound. It is pre-cocked and does not require the troublesome process and special cookware)
  • Lamb meat 2 lbs (if you want can add some chicken drumsticks and/or beef)
  • Vegetables (1 bell pepper, 2 carrots, ¼ of a cabbage, 2 potatoes, 2 zucchinis, 1 onion)
  • Garbanzo beans (one can, otherwise you have to start choking them day before)
  • Spices (salt, black pepper, red pepper, saffron, curry powder, chili powder, paprika (mild or hot), cilantro, Clavos (Eugenia aromatica)
  • Olive oil
  • Tomato paste


In a large pot put some olive oil and let the meat fry lightly for a few seconds. Add 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, add the spices, lower the flame, cover with the vegetables (vegetables stay out of the water and cock with the steam) cover the pot and cock for about 1 hour. From time to time check with a fork the vegetables, remove those that are cooked and save them on a plate. If it becomes too dry add more water. After one hour all the vegetables should be removed. Add the tomato paste and cock for about ½ hour more, until the meat is tender, then add the vegetables and the garbanzo beans.

Meanwhile prepare the cuscus following the instruction on the box (usually will take a couple of minutes). Put the cuscus in the plates, dig a little crater, put the meat, some sauce and a piece of each vegetable inside the crater and serve.


Avevo scritto la ricetta in inglese per amici americani. Buona traduzione in italiano e buon appetito.

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